November 17, 2007

Bend Bulletin Article

For three days starting Saturday, Nov. 17, you can read an article from the Bend Bulletin that quotes me regarding marathon running. They even put an aweful looking picture of me in it.

To access the article go to

You'll need to login in with my email ( and password (mosiah217).

November 3, 2007

500 miles and The Bend Bulletin

Back on October 6th I logged by 50 mile with my Nike Plus system. Here's my award. Cool, eh?

I have run 109 miles prior to that this year so my actual total was 609. As of today I'm up to 670 miles. That's about the same as last year. By this time in 2005, I had 820 miles and 856 in 2004. Slacker!

Other news. Last week I was interviewed by Markian Hawryluk from the Bend Bulletin about my article on The Physiology of Marathon Running in Marathon and Beyond. I'm not sure when it will run but I assume it will be soon. My article deals with the risk of running a marathon and, sadly, today a runner died during the US Olympic Qualifying Marathon in New York City. Ryan Shay was only 5.5 miles into the race when he collapsed. The speculation is that it was a heart problem, which is often the case.