June 27, 2014

My Morning Run. A Turtle and A Train.

I picked up a running buddy just south of the First Baptist church. Not very talkative but he (she?) set a nice pace. 

The corn is getting high but only has a week to reach an elephants eye (between miles 2 and 3)

A railroad runs west of town. Just off the track where the railroad crosses a road I found this cement block embedded with a plate that gives the elevation. (About mile 3)

Charleston is around 696 feet above sea level but I don't see that number or one close to it on the plate. I'll have to look closer the next time I run out that way. 

I read one time that running on railroad ties helped with pre-ski condition. I guess it primes those agility reflexes that keep you on your toes. Not that I ski much any more, but once in a while I'll run along this rail road west of town just to break things up or, as with today's run, for the shade (between miles 3 and 4). It cut's a about a half mile off my run but I could make the up at the end and the shade was nice. I remember taking Paige and Ben on a "hike" along this section of railroad back when we first move to town.

So halfway down the tracks I meet this guy. I let him pass offering no resistance. 

Even if I didn't meet up with the train while this bridge, it's short enough to avoid a Stand By Me episode. 

Looking back (south) from the bride.

I made up the the half mile by running through a neighborhood near home. I saw this statue on Seneca Drive of a boy pushing a girl on a swing. They place it under a large tree who it looks real life. Pretty cool. 

Yesterday I spoke to the EIU Distance Running camp on running nutrition and other stuff. The camp directors gave me a nice EIU Cross Country team shirt and hat. The team is sponsored by Adidas (I wish it was Brooks Shoes) which surprised me but frankly, I'm getting tired of that ubiquitous swoosh in college athletics.

Today's run. 

So recently I passed this running milestone. It took just over 7 years. It's really nothing compared to real runners but it's something to me.

Hey, that's where I work! Actually I work in Lantz Arena (left and middle) in the part of the building just about the fountain and not Stephenson Hall, the tall one to the right.

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