August 9, 2013

My Morning Run. Uncomfortable.

Today's 18 mile run was the most uncomfortable run ever. Not painful but definitely uncomfortable. For one, I have rashes on my legs and left arm. Poison something in our yard got me a few weeks a ago. I only ran once last week while I got over the worst of it. That's the other problem. I tried to run 20 miles after a week of running only 4 total miles, last Saturday in Huntsville. This week I ran 5 and 4 miles on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, but that did little to reserve the inactivity from the prior week. Third, my throat was tight Wednesday and Thursday meaning there was something in the air. Breathing wasn't a problem but I did feel lethargic from the beginning. Fourth, I decided to run in brand new shoes which were great for the first 14 miles but then my toes began to hurt. And, finally, my playlist became stall around mile 10. I hate it when that happens.

So with all that my 20 mile run became 18 which should have been okay but I was a hundred times more tired than after my 18 mile run only two weeks ago. I ran all 18 miles on the bike trail and didn't want to take any more pictures of that but I did snap one photo, that of a turkey buzzard patiently waiting atop a utility pole waiting for me to drop. Well, I showed that bird and didn't drop until  I got home, safely indoors.

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